Tuesday, April 8, 2008

As Kelly prepares for Poland...

Chris and I are going to Poland for the summer! We'll be serving with an organization called Josiah Venture to put on evangelistic English camps for Polish youth. We are very excited that God has given us this opportunity.

The dates for our trip are May 27th-August 15th and we are still in need of financial and PRAYER support. If you are interested in committing to pray for Chris and I throughout the summer, please email us at clillpop@mac.com to join our prayer team. Also, check out our website www.polandbound.net for information about our trip and a link to our support letter. Thanks!

--Kelly Lillpop

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Update for Rebecca Lutzer...

We received an update from Rebecca Lutzer's daughter Lisa that she is doing well post-surgery. It was considered "successful" by the doctors and it looks like she is on her way to recovery. The journey will long, but hopefully the surgery will eliminate the daily pain she was experiencing.

Lisa wanted to thank everyone for their prayers on her mother's behalf. She also asks that we could continue to pray for a steady recovery.